Lori Vallow’s Missing Children: Psychic Readings with JJ Vallow’s Aunt Kresha

Kresha’s Desperation for Answers

Kresha was desperate for answers. So, she turned to Reverend Donna Seraphina Lambert, a renowned psychic known for her ability to tap into the spiritual realm and provide insights into unsolved mysteries. Reverend Donna had already gone public, claiming that the missing teen had appeared in her living room, in her spirit form, along with Charles Vallow, who was Kresha’s biological uncle. Donna had claimed in detail that Tylee had showed her. Because it was not known what state the children were in, Donna had uploaded her psychic visions to YouTube, and named the recording, “Tylee Ryan Most Important” because she felt it was the most important thing that needed to be heard by somebody who could do something about it. Donna put up several more videos before Kresha worked up the nerve to contact her and ask for multiple readings in order to find answers about the disappearance of her nephew JJ, and Lori’s daughter Tylee, from a different marriage.

Psychic Readings and Contact with the Deceased

During the psychic readings, Reverend Donna claimed to have made contact with the spirits of the deceased. She described vivid visions of the events leading up to the children’s disappearance and their subsequent deaths. According to her, the spirits revealed that Lori had become entangled in a dangerous cult led by Chad Daybell.

Beliefs of the Cult and Involvement of Other Individuals

Reverend Lambert explained that Lori and Chad believed they were chosen by a higher power to lead a group of selected individuals through the impending apocalypse. They believed that Tylee and JJ were possessed by evil spirits and needed to be “freed” from their physical bodies in order to fulfill their spiritual purpose. Reverend Lambert also mentioned the involvement of other individuals in this twisted web of deceit.

Mix of Emotions and Sharing the Findings

As Kresha listened to the psychic’s chilling revelations, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. She was grateful for the information, yet horrified by the depth of depravity that had consumed her niece. She knew that she had to share these findings with the authorities, hoping that it would bring justice for Tylee, JJ, and Charles.

Impact of the Psychic’s Help in the Investigation

Little did Kresha know, her decision to seek the help of a psychic would have a profound impact on the investigation. The information provided by Reverend Lambert would become information, possibly even leading to the eventual arrest and conviction of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell.

Bond Between Kresha and Reverend Lambert

Reverend Donna Seraphina Lambert, renowned for her psychic abilities, became Kresha’s beacon of hope in this dark and perplexing journey. The two formed a deep bond as they embarked on a desperate search for answers. Reverend Lambert’s psychic readings became a lifeline for Kresha, offering glimpses into the mysterious events that had unfolded.

Shift in Focus and Tragic Discovery

As the months went by, the focus of their sessions shifted. Initially, Kresha sought answers about the whereabouts of her missing children, Joshua “JJ” Vallow and Tylee Ryan. Reverend Lambert’s insights provided glimmers of hope, guiding Kresha towards potential leads and locations to explore. However, the discovery of the children’s remains in June shattered any remaining hope of their safe return.

Understanding the Death of Charles Vallow

With the devastating knowledge that her children were gone, Kresha’s determination shifted towards understanding the circumstances surrounding the death of her ex-husband, Charles Vallow. Reverend Lambert, sensing Kresha’s need for closure, delved deeper into the spiritual realm to uncover the truth.

Chilling Details and Manipulation

Through their sessions, Reverend Lambert revealed chilling details that seemed to align with the suspicions surrounding Charles’ death. She described a web of deceit and manipulation, suggesting that there were individuals close to the family who held dark secrets. Kresha listened intently, her heart heavy with grief and anger.

Breakthrough in the Investigation

After the children’s remains were found in June, Kresha focused on wanting to know what really happened with the death of her uncle Charles Vallow, the fourth husband of Lori Vallow, who was shot and killed when he went to pick up JJ Vallow for school on July 11, 2019.

Another reading was done specifically on Charles Vallow. Charles does go into his own death in that reading, but first he is insistent about more DNA to be found on a specific tool in Chad Daybell’s outbuilding, a very large red workshop. 

Lauren, from the YouTube Channel, “Sweetie PieLo True Crime” heard the reading and called detective Ron Ball, of the Rexburg police department.  Ron Ball was one of the detectives working on the multiple criminal cases related to Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell.

Lauren told Detective Ball about the tool in the shed and the whole story about this latest Charles Vallow reading. That same day, the news filmed several detectives go into the large 120×40 workshop, barn, and retrieve an item able to fit in a brown bag. They seem to be chuckling a bit, in that way when you feel a bit sheepish doing something that may be absolutely stupid. 

It sure is good they listened because it did turn out and was later confirmed in the court testimony of Lori Vallow, that there was indeed dna on the tool.

It is as certain as a person can be that the red workshop is the very place that sixteen year old Tylee Ryan was dismembered and more.

The discovery of DNA on the tool in Chad Daybell’s red workshop was a major breakthrough in the investigation into the disappearance of Tylee Ryan. With this crucial piece of evidence, the authorities were able to establish a direct link between the workshop and the horrific crime. The DNA analysis not only confirmed that the tool was used in the dismemberment of Tylee’s body but also provided valuable insights into the identity of the perpetrator.

Here is a ten minute conversation that took place after that evenings reading was over, and if you were interested in that case, you will definitely find the behind the scenes psychic investigation interesting as well.


The Role of DNA Evidence in the Trial

The DNA evidence found in Chad Daybell’s red workshop became a focal point in the trial against him and Lori Vallow. Prosecutors presented the forensic findings to the court, highlighting the undeniable connection between the tool and the dismemberment of Tylee’s body. The defense, on the other hand, attempted to cast doubt on the validity of the evidence, questioning the chain of custody and suggesting alternative explanations.

Convictions and Pivotal Moment in the Trial

Ultimately, the DNA evidence played a crucial role in securing convictions against Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow. The jury was convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the couple was responsible for the murder of Tylee Ryan and the other missing children. The revelation of the DNA on the tool in the red workshop was a pivotal moment in the trial, leading to justice being served for the victims and closure for their grieving families.

Details of the Conversation with Reverend Donna Seraphina

In the ten-minute conversation on “Psychic Reverend Donna Seraphina,” Kresha and the psychic delve into the details of the case, discussing their impressions and any potential leads they may have uncovered. The conversation begins with Kresha providing background information on the missing children, including their names, ages, and last known whereabouts. She describes the heart-wrenching situation that led her to seek the help of a psychic, hoping that their unique abilities could shed light on the whereabouts of Tylee and JJ.

Much of the 3-07-2020 discussion relate to the issue of whether Lori Vallow Daybell was demonically posessed

Psychic Insights and Locations

Reverend Donna Seraphina, known for her accuracy and compassion, listens intently as Kresha shares her concerns and fears. With her eyes closed, the psychic begins to tune into the energy surrounding the case, connecting with the spirits and guides that may hold the answers they seek. As the conversation unfolds, Reverend Donna Seraphina describes the impressions she receives, providing Kresha with valuable information that could potentially aid in the search for the missing children. Throughout the conversation, the psychic and Kresha discuss various locations that may be significant in the investigation. Reverend Donna Seraphina describes vivid visions of wooded areas, bodies of water, and even a specific building that she believes holds crucial evidence. Kresha listens intently, taking notes and asking clarifying questions to ensure she understands the psychic’s insights fully.

Comfort and Gratitude

As the conversation draws to a close, Reverend Donna Seraphina offers words of comfort and encouragement to Kresha, assuring her that the search for Tylee and JJ will not be in vain. She emphasizes the importance of remaining hopeful and persistent in the face of adversity. Kresha expresses her gratitude for the psychic’s assistance and promises to follow up on the leads provided during their conversation.

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