
The case had captivated the nation, with many following every twist and turn in the investigation. As I continued to uncover the truth, I faced constant threats and intimidation. There were those who wanted to silence me, to prevent the world from learning the full extent of Lori Vallow andContinue Reading

Kresha’s Desperation for Answers Kresha was desperate for answers. So, she turned to Reverend Donna Seraphina Lambert, a renowned psychic known for her ability to tap into the spiritual realm and provide insights into unsolved mysteries. Reverend Donna had already gone public, claiming that the missing teen had appeared inContinue Reading

The Revelation of Tylee Ryan’s Spirit After the disappearance of teenager Tylee Ryan from Rexburg, Idaho, an extraordinary event unfolded. Reverend Donna Seraphina Lambert had a spiritual encounter with Tylee’s spirit. In an unprecedented turn of events, Tylee communicated with Reverend Donna about her own death. During this time, theContinue Reading

The Mysterious Connection Between the Lori Vallow Trial and Psychic Reverend Donna Seraphina In the trial of Lori Vallow, Detective Hermosillo was asked to disavow any knowledge of a psychic or deny that any psychic information contributed to the case. However, an intriguing conversation reported by Kresha Kay Easton, LoriContinue Reading

On January 30, 2020, my deceased daughter Nicole brought missing teenager, Tylee Ryan, to my Living Room for Help As the session continued, Tylee and Charles began to share their story with me. They revealed that they had both been tragically killed and their bodies hidden by Tylee’s mother, LoriContinue Reading

In the world of psychic mediumship, there are moments that transcend the ordinary and challenge our beliefs. Such was the case when Reverend Donna Seraphina experienced a spirit visitation that would unravel a shocking story of tragedy and betrayal. In this blog post, we delve into the extraordinary encounter betweenContinue Reading

I am Teresa L Allison, a forty-seven-year-old woman living in West Valley City, Utah. Iam an agnostic atheist. A person is unsure whether God exists but sees it as highlyimprobable, so I don’t believe he does.If I am not able to personally witness, I cannot know for sure. Trusting theContinue Reading

From LaurenMy journey of, shall we say, “Enlightenment” began the day the kids were found in ChadDaybell’s yard. I had come across Donna’s psychic reading of the kids back in April orMay 2020. It was so disturbing to me I had to turn it off. I couldn’t picture those kidscouldContinue Reading